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Home Task

Home Task transforms the candidate testing process. Once a test assignment is created, the system automatically organizes the testing process: sending invitations to candidates to select a convenient time and sending them the task, leaving you free from organizational concerns.

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Full Automation of the Testing Process

Candidate testing occurs without your involvement, as the system handles all organizational aspects.

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Candidate Convenience

Candidates can choose a convenient time for the test, reducing stress and improving their experience.

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Increased Efficiency

No need to spend time coordinating the testing process — everything is automated, allowing you to focus on the next stages of selection.

How Home Task Makes Candidate Selection Easier

Home Task is your reliable assistant in organizing the candidate testing process, significantly simplifying selection. With automation, you get a fast and convenient way to test candidates without extra effort.

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    Once a test is created, the system automatically organizes the process: from sending invitations to candidates to delivering the test at their chosen time.

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    Since the system handles all the technical details, you can focus on more important stages of the selection process: interviews, evaluating candidates, and decision-making.

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    Candidates can choose a convenient time to take the test, reducing stress and increasing their satisfaction with the process.

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    As a result, you get an effective, convenient, and accurate system for testing candidates that simplifies the entire selection process and makes it highly efficient.

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Looking for more than just resumes, but real results? Start with a simple step — fill out the form!